Conaf - Ministerio de Agricultura

25 de febrero, 2013

CONAF entregará plantas de bajo requerimiento hídrico


En el marco de la campaña para llamar a cuidar el recurso hídrico de la Comisión Nacional de Riego, la Corporación Nacional Forestal Coquimbo entregará plantas de bajo requerimiento de agua para propiciar en la población el uso de estas especies en los jardines.

Fecha: 27 de febrero

Hora: 11:00 hrs.

Lugar: Plaza de Armas de La Serena

Participantes: Seremi de Agricultura, Daniela Norambuena;  Director Regional de CONAF, Eduardo Rodríguez;  jefe Provincial de CONAF Elqui, Rodrigo Segovia.


1 Comentario

para CONAF entregará plantas de bajo requerimiento hídrico

  • Hugo el octubre 15, 2015 at 20:08 Dijo:

    Hi Stephanie, first of all thanks a lot for the meniton! We were extremely lucky, since the fire only started at the end of our stay and didn’t affect any of our routes. In fact, the day I hiked to Base Torres, another group that decided to do Valle del France9s had to return haf way because the smoke had already reached that part of the park.It was really a terrible happening that left everyone feeling devastated. Our guides provided regular updates on the situation and the skies, which at one point were clear blue, were covered in smoke up to the point that we couldn’t see the Cuernos anymore.I had no idea that they actually charged evacuees for the boat ride that’s unacceptable!!Great summary of the story and the bigger issues behind it.Katherina recently posted..

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